Chinese Lectures: Every Saturday 3pm-5pm, from 2024/8/10 to 2024/9/7: The Universal Gateway Of Guanyin Bodhisattva - Online & Onsite 每週六 《普门品》讀書會 - 常諗法師 - - 線上&線下
Chinese Lectures: Every Sunday 1pm-3pm, from 2024/8/4 to 2024/9/22: Introduction to Xiao Zhi Guan (Samatha and Vipassana) Online & Onsite 每週日《小止觀》導讀 - 常諗法師 - 線上&線下
2024/7/6-7/7 Two-Day Meditation 演捨法師--二日禪
2024/7/13-7/14 Intermediate Meditation Training Class 演捨法師--中級禪訓班
2024/5/19 正念減壓 (中文) Mindfulness Stress Reduction (In Chinese)
2024/6/4 & 6/6 大悲咒 & 藥師咒研修 - 常華法師 Great Compassion Mantra & Medicine Master Mantra Training
2024/6/8 - 6/9 探索《地藏經》等經典 - 常華法師 Intro to The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's Fundamental Vows
2024/4/27-4/28 常玄法師--法華經概論 (中文) Intro to the Lotus Sutra (In Chinese)