2023/12/10 One-Day Meditation (In Chinese only) 善见法師-一日禅 (只讲中文)
Agenda: 12/10/2023 Sunday 9:30 - 10:00 禪修業處介紹 Introduction to Zen Practice Center 10:00 - 11:00 禪修引導 Meditation guidance 11:00 - 1:00...
2023/09/29-10/1 Two-Day Meditation 二日禪-果醒法師
* Fees will be refunded if you attend the full sessions that you selected. 如您全程參加自己勾選的活動,我們將退還費用。 ** Please email ddmbaatlanta@gmail.com...
2023/07/22 Sound Bath Meditation 鬆缽禪-果元法師
Event photos 活動照片
2023/07/22-07/23 Two-Day Meditation 禪二-果元法師
Event photos 活動照片 Event records 活动记录/心得分享 鬆缽禪,禪禪笑得樂哈哈 作者:丘引(Joy) 2023.7.23 二0二三年七月二十二日和二十三日,法鼓山亞特蘭大禪修共修中心舉辦了禪2營,由象岡道場的住持果元法師帶領兩日禪和鬆缽禪。根據報...
Agenda - 2023 Regular Meditation Events on Sundays 共修時間表
During 2023, we are holding one-day guided meditations (in-person only) on Sundays ALMOST every week. Update: Starting from July 2023,...
2023/04/22-04/23 退居方丈關懷行 - 果東法師, 常華法師
Event photos 活動照片 Event records 活动记录/心得分享 退居方丈和尚 果東法師哈囉亞特蘭大 作者:丘引(Joy) 2023. 4. 26 1. 燒腦的《阿含經》課 早在一個月前,法鼓山亞特蘭大禪修共修中心就發出email,說退居方丈果東法師將在4...
2023/01/28-02/05 2-Day meditation 禅悦新春&二日禅-果廣、常齋法師
Event photos 活動照片 Event flyers 活动海报
2022 08 21 Special Guest Speaker Event
Understanding Emptiness Ven. Shuman Shi Lecturer, the Buddha Educational Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan PhD, Religious Studies, Northwestern...
2022 08 Special Guest Speaker Event
空性的領悟 見額法師主講 現任台北佛陀教育基金會講師 西北大學宗教學博士 Day 1: Friday, August 19 7:30 pm-9:00 pm 開示: 圓融三諦: 《金剛經》如是我修(中文) Day 2: Saturday, August 20 10:00...
Grand opening of the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association Atlanta Chan Meditation Center
4036 Wetherburn Way NW, Norcross, GA 30092 In Person Chan (Zen) Retreats and New Summer Camp for kids and teens! Family Chan Camp Time:...